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radio horeb Working with social media was a lovely surprise, there are no boring days, always researching what is new, what is trending. There are much more statistics and studys behing one post than I have ever think of. How to keep a post interesting without escaping the brand guidelines, which language to use to interact with our followers, those and many more are the challenges of social medias. And I just love it!
radio horeb How nice it is when a design project touches someones heart, this was the case with those Thank you cards. The company wanted to say thank you for the employes who were doing companys aniversary, the breefing was to develop diferent kind of cards, depending on how long people were already on the company. And for those doing 25 years old aniversary we planned something special, a personalized oneline illustration from them with the Holy Mary.
Our company cars are a mobile marketing for us, they are like the Embassadors of the radio, people know the radio is on town when they see the cars, and the feed back is so nice, the listeners post Photos of them on the social medias ant tagg us.
This stand was such a cool project to working on, the challenge was to develop a stand that could work to big and small events, so it goes from 12m to 3 meter really easily. The structure also alows to change the design, so I developed also a blue one for other kind of events.
SPORTOFOLLOW Sportofollow is a startup of Sport, that wants more than promote events, but to integrate the world calendar in one platform. The big challenge was to organize all this data, sports, modalities, countries. The target is to achieve not just the athletes, but also the sport federations and coaches.
Vale Global Mobility Anual Report Vale is one of the biggest multinational mining companies of the world. The Global Mobility Anual Report consisted in transforming all the data and interviews of its own employees in an interesting institutional newsletter, encouraging other employees to follow this adventure.